2009年5月26日 星期二

Customize SMS tone

  1. Choose a favorite MP3 files and cut out some seconds (2-3 seconds should be enough)

  2. Now import this MP3 in your iTunes and convert it to a AIFF file

  3. Copy this new created AIFF file on your desktop

    If you don’t find this file, look at the properties of the file in iTunes - there should be the path where it’s located on your harddrive.

  4. Now change the ending *.aif in *.caf

  5. Now connect via SCP on your iPhone (Mac: Cyberduck, Win: WinSCP)

  6. Go to “/System/Library/Audio/UISounds”

  7. Here you can change one or all of the default sms tones.

    But create first a backup of the file which you’ll replace! e.g. rename “sms-received6.caf” in “sms-received_6.caf” and then copy your new file to “sms-received_6.caf”.

And here is which file corresponds to which name:

sms-received1.caf -> Tri-tone

sms-received2.caf -> Chime

sms-received3.caf -> Glass

sms-received4.caf -> Horn

sms-received5.caf -> Bell

sms-received6.caf -> Electronic

Not working? Did you all right? Check these points:

  • was it a AIFF file?

  • shorter than 30 seconds?

  • Did you converted a MP3 to an AIFF file via iTunes?

  • Did you replace the right file on your iPhone?

  • Did you really copy the file on your iPhone?